Thales obtains first DVR for a complete drone system granted by EASA

Thales obtains the first Design Verification Report for a complete drone system ever granted by EASA

ESSP is first pan-European company CSP certified by EASA

ESSP obtains EASA certification as pan-European Communication Services Provider for Iris (ISP)

CAAi-led consortium to study the impact of security on aviation safety

EASA appoints consortium to study the impact of security measures on aviation safety

ATCA GLOBAL - Next Generation ATM for Europe

ATCA GLOBAL - Next Generation ATM for Europe, a Q&A with Patrick Ky, Executive Director EASA

ENAIRE receives the highest aviation safety score in Europe

ENAIRE reinforces its position as a leader and benchmark in Europe in air safety management.

Artificial Intelligence in the airspace

EUROCONTROL, IATA, EASA and Airbus discuss current programs utilising machine learning and AI to support aviation operations.