
Time to get flying again

Are vaccines and health passports the key to getting back in the air?

DFS, NATS and skyguide discuss digitalisation as the future of ATM

ATM attended a virtual discussion including DFS, skyguide and NATS, considering the technological future of ANSPs in Europe.

Feature Premium

Air Traffic Management Issue 1 2021

The full issue in page-turning format

ATM Awards 2020

The winners of the 2020 ATM Awards are in! Read on to see who they are and watch our virtual awards ceremony.

ATCA Annual Day 5 – WTF 2020?

ATCA got it right this year. This industry tends to discuss the same topics repeatedly until it feels safe branching out. 2020 was a year of branching out. The traditional ATM topics ranked low on the agenda. New topics such as drones, supersonic travel, commercial space and innovative technologies. Technologies in support of Cybersecurity, AI and machine learning to highlight key discussions. Well done ATCA.

ATCA Annual Day Four – All about technology

What is the new normal? It’s not only about the way we travel, it’s also about technology. One silver lining of the pandemic is that it drove digital transformation in many organisations at a faster pace. They simply had no choice if they wanted to continue to do busines remotely.

ATCA Annual Day Three – Virtual Reality

Day three included sessions that covered many different topics across the spectrum, the main theater along with educational and Tech Talks sessions. UAM, UTM, Cybersecurity, collaboration and COVID-19.

ATCA Annual Day Two – A trend emerges

The second day of the ATCA Annual continued on a course set on day one. We need to be considering topics beyond traditional air traffic management. The world is changing, aviation is changing, technology is evolving and our industry needs to keep pace.

ATCA Annual is in full swing

ATCA Annual is now underway, although in a substantially different format, 100% virtual. ATM is covering the show and will bring you coverage of any news and highlights from the general and educational sessions.

2020 ATM Awards Shortlist

Announcing ATM Awards 2020 Shortlist candidates