
UK looks to decommission ground-based navigation aids

What would the decommission of ground-based navigation aids mean to ANSPs and airports going forward?

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Air Traffic Management Issue 3 2021

The full issue in page-turning format

Inmarsat looks to unlock the sky for UAVs

ATM discusses the evolution of UAV communications with Inmarsat.

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Air Traffic Management Issue 2 2021

The full issue in page-turning format

The space race is on for air traffic control

SESAR JU VOICE to demonstrate the feasibility of using low-orbit satellites to provide voice communications for ATC while over the ocean.

LDACS from a technical perspective

SESAR LDACS webinar series continues. Highlights from session 2 looking at technical implications.

Artificial Intelligence in the airspace

EUROCONTROL, IATA, EASA and Airbus discuss current programs utilising machine learning and AI to support aviation operations.

Is the time right for LDACS?

LDACS as an option for future mobile data link applications. How far along are we?

Time to get flying again

Are vaccines and health passports the key to getting back in the air?

DFS, NATS and skyguide discuss digitalisation as the future of ATM

ATM attended a virtual discussion including DFS, skyguide and NATS, considering the technological future of ANSPs in Europe.