In recent years, the integration of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) solutions has become a pivotal aspect of modern airspace management. Thales and Thaicom subsidiary collaborate to develop a feasibility study to enable the deployment of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) services in Thailand. 

As Thailand moves towards a future where drones will play a major role in various industries, a robust UTM system is crucial. By adopting the building blocks and best practices highlighted by Thales and drawing inspiration from successful international use cases, Thailand can pave the way for a seamless and secure integration of drones into its airspace. The Thales proposed roadmap will provide a structured approach to navigate the complexities of UTM implementation.

In selecting Thales as the leading UTM technology partner, Thaicom subsidiary not only secures a renowned group but also a partner deeply invested in country’s success. Thales's knowledge of local context and global expertise will contribute to propel Thailand into a new era of drone airspace management. Together, Thales and Thaicom subsidiary are set to create a safe, efficient, and technologically advanced drone airspace in Thailand.

"Thales is pleased to collaborate with Thaicom subsidiary, a long term customer in Thailand. This project is a great opportunity to support the ambitions of Thaicom subsidiary, to highlight Thales expertise in the UTMS field and to establish the foundations of a UTM framework enabling the growth of the drone ecosystem in the country." Christian Rivierre, VP Airspace Mobility Solutions at Thales.