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Latest from Air Traffic Management

In-depth analysis of the big issues impacting Governments, Authorities, Airlines and ANSPS.

Swiss airspace in women's hands

In celebration of International Women's Day, Swiss airspace will be managed predominantly by female ATCOs.

FAB CE / FABEC Free Route Airspace

Expansion of cross-border free route airspace for climate-friendly air traffic

The Road to Automated Metropolitan Flight

Automated flight systems will heavily influence the success of UAM strategies

FREQUENTIS looks to airports of the future

FREQUENTIS and German Aerospace Center to bring multiple remote tower operations to the next level

Skyguide’s 2021 results heavily impacted by the pandemic

The Corona pandemic again weighed heavily on the Swiss aviation industry in 2021

Technology innovations for aviation in new Cranfield University and Inmarsat report

Technology innovations to revolutionise aviation unveiled in new Cranfield University and Inmarsat report

Deicers from Clariant: For a safe take-off on ice and snow

Learn about Clariant's special fluids that are used to deice planes and protect them from reicing before take-off

SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket to Launch Inmarsat's Newest Satellite

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the second in the Inmarsat-6 series of satellites

Thales and Amelia partner to improve environmental footprint

Thales and Amelia form partnership to bring near-term improvements in the regional operator's environmental footprint

Ordnance Survey finds its way with Altitude Angel

Ordnance Survey incorporates GuardianUTM Cloud into its in-house flight planning platform